Related Pages
- Our Staff - 2024/2025
- Governors
- Governing Body Minutes 2023/24
- Attendance Of Governors 2024/25
- Governing Body Meetings 2024/25
- Additional Committees
- Resources Committee
- Standards & Effectiveness Committee
- Governor Profiles
- School Vision and Aims
- Hyrstmount Heroic Values
- Attendance
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Sports Statistics
- Latest KS2 Results
- Performance Tables
- British Values
- Assembly Themes
- Pupil Premium
- Policies
Hyrstmount Heroic Values
Our staff, governors and children have chosen five core values that are really important to us. We decided to call them Hyrstmount’s Heroic Values. They are:
These values underpin the school’s ethos and form the basis of our behaviour policy. The key words are prominently displayed in our school hall and assemblies frequently explore what each value entails, so that there is a mutual understanding of what it means to be a Hyrstmount Hero and what, as a school community, we can do to uphold the values.